Digital eye strain or Computer Vision Syndrome

More and more over the last 10 years we have been spending increasing about of time in front of screens. Now that a good percentage of the population are working from home, we’re potentially doing more damage to our eyes than usual. (By the way, I think there is something wrong with my computer because every year the font seems to get smaller!)

Computer use strains eyes more than reading print material because people tend to:

  • Blink less while using computers (blinking is key to moistening the eyes)
  • View digital screens at less than ideal distances or angles
  • Use devices that have glare or reflection
  • Use devices with poor contrast between the text and the background

Also, your computer, like your cell phone and tablet, emits a lot of blue light. This is the higher energy, shorter wavelength light in the visible spectrum. Because blue light is higher energy, it can damage the cells in your eyes, particularly the cells that make up the part of your retina called the macula. The macula is responsible for your central (as opposed to peripheral) vision as well as your colour vision, so it’s very important. Because blue light is shorter wavelength, it is more easily scattered, and that means your eyes need to strain more to focus blue light.

SYMPTOMS of Digital Eye Strain or CVS

  • Sore, tired, burning or itching eyes
  • Watery or dry eyes
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Headache
  • Sore neck, shoulders or back
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling that you cannot keep your eyes open

Luckily for us, we have pigment (cleverly named macular pigment) that helps absorb the damaging blue light and protects our macula. This macular pigment is composed of 3 compounds: lutein and 2 types of zeaxanthin. Our bodies don’t make these compounds but we can get them from green, leafy vegetables. Unfortunately, many of us just don’t eat enough of these. I am very grateful to be able to get my hands on a wonderful supplement that provides the recommended levels of lutein and both forms of zeaxanthin. It is plant based and even the capsules are made from purple carrots.

This supplement not only helps protect my eyes against damage, but it also reduces my eye strain. The claims on this product are amazing! Here’s what the FDA say in the US:

“Excellent source of vitamin A, C, and E, contains no synthetic ingredients, vegetarian friendly, increases macular pigment optical density, helps absorb damaging bright light and blue light, protects eyes from damaging blue light found in sunlight and mobile devices, helps protect and maintain healthy cells in the eyes, helps protect and maintain proper eye health, helps with photo stress recovery, helps with recovery from damaging blue light, improves visual performance, reduces eye strain, reduces eye fatigue, helps prevent night blindness, helps support vision in low light settings, and may help reduce age-related eye deterioration.”

Lifestyle and home remedies

  • Adjust the lighting. When watching television, it may be easier on your eyes if you keep the room softly lit. When reading printed materials or doing close work, try to position the light source behind you and direct the light onto your page or task. If you're reading at a desk, use a shaded light positioned in front of you. The shade will keep light from shining directly into your eyes.
  • Take breaks. When doing close work, take regular breaks and rest your eyes by looking away from the digital screen.
  • Limit screen time. This is especially important for children, who may not make the connection between extended viewing, eyestrain and the need to rest their eyes regularly.
  • Use your tears. Blinking more often can help prevent and relieve dry eyes.
  • Improve the air quality of your space. Some changes that may help prevent dry eyes include using a diffuser with high quality essential oils, adjusting the air-conditioning to reduce blowing air straight into your face. If you smoke, consider quitting. Moving your chair to a different area may help reduce the amount of dry moving air on your eyes and face.
  • Choose the right eyewear for you. If you need glasses or contacts and work at a computer, consider investing in glasses or contact lenses designed specifically for computer work. I choose to use blue light filtering non prescription glasses. Ask your optometrist about lens coatings and tints that can help also.

Try these little steps, make a small change every day or even every second day. Small things done everyday help move us in a forward motion. Yes, you might have slip ups but that is ok too. Love the body Mother Nature gave you, say thanks to your feet for holding you steady, hug your heart for keeping you alive and give your body a fighting chance to stay healthy and young for as long as possible.

We only get one life... what does yours mean to you?

Interested in more tips for a Healthier Lifestyle?

Andrea Mircev
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Andreas Story

Neuro-Linguistic Kinesiologist/Associate Acutonics Practitioner/Reiki Healer

Hi my name is Andrea and I am a Mum of 1 son and a fur Baby and after 17 years of nursing in the fields of Emergency medicine and Emergency Cardiac I had a deep calling to help clients in a more holistic way by focusing on the emotional, mindset, spiritual and energetic part of healing.

After opening my clinic in 2019, I began to help clients calm their nervous systems, release trauma, bring flow to meridians and organs, change stuck patterns of thinking and unconscious behaviour, clear their auric field and find answers that are specific to their body and personal situations.

No one person is the same and I am very passionate about tailoring solutions to each individual and giving dedicated time to hear them, see them and assist them in their healing journey.

When I was introduced to Acutonics in 2020 by a Kinesiology colleague and I was instantly captured by the power and ease sound frequency had on my body. I knew instantly that this was a modality that was destined to be in my tool kit. The success my clients have had with the combination of these 2 modalities is sometimes mind-blowing and the more I learn the bigger the shifts they experience. I am seeing faster integration times, especially in children, deeper and more complex issues being cleared with such ease and grace. The relaxed state all my clients' bodies and energy fields show when they hop off the table just bursts my heart chakra wide open.

After living and functioning in fight or flight mode from a very young age which lead to Adrenal burn out, working with NLK and Acutonics I began the process to clear it from my body, mind and soul. I am very passionate about helping others who are stuck in that cycle and identifying patterns early with children so that they can enjoy their childhood with as much joy and freedom as they can. One of my favourite moments was when a Mum was giving me feedback from her son session and how he asks every week to go to see the lady with the 'ting tings'.

My gift is calmness and peace. There are many modalities to seek out for trauma clearing however in my personal experience and what I have seen in my clinic. Bringing someone out of trauma or a dis-ease state and helping them move forward in a relaxed, peaceful and safe way without triggering the nervous system makes for permanent and noticeable improvement.

I offer 1 on 1 in person sessions, zoom distance sessions and mobile sessions if a client is bed bound.

I work with newborns through to teens, adults, families, men and women alike.

Are you ready for full body
Harmony, Health & Happiness?
If you are after a pill or a quick fix...keep scrollin! I only offer complete change and growth. If you are ready to lift the weight of the world off your shoulders then throw in your details and lets raise your frequency!

Andrea Mircev
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